Sunday, May 31, 2015

May Newsletter

May has been a month of extreme growth.  God has surprised us in so many ways in our cell group and discipleship ministry.  After we returned from our trip to the U.S. we decided to dedicate much more time and prayer to these ministries.  Our cell groups were in a difficult place with very few people and no growth happening.  During March and April, we started to see some growth and in May an explosion of growth.  

Lucivan and I both had three disciples each about a month ago.  In the last several weeks that number has grown to eight each.  God has been opening up doors and putting people in our lives like never before.  We are so excited for this new time.  There are discipleships that happen early in the morning over breakfast, others during lunch break and others late at night after people are off work and out of class.  Some of our disciples have been in the church for a while, others were away from the Lord and have come back and one young man just accepted Jesus.  Please pray that the Lord will give us the wisdom and capacity to take care of each of these precious young people He has put in our hands.  

Most of you know that we have two cell groups.  One on Wednesday night and one on Saturday evening.  Both groups a little over a month ago had anywhere from 3-7 people each week.  Now the Wednesday night cell group has between 15-17 each week and is steadily growing.  The Saturday evening group is still small but has seen some growth as well with around 10 people when all members are present.  We are so blessed with all the Lord has done and is still going to do.  There is a great excitement in our groups and with our disciples to win souls and disciple!  

At the beginning of the month we got our cell groups together for evangelism in a local park.  It went really well and we were able to pray with many people and even get some phone numbers to invite them to cell group.  We also are encouraging our disciples and cell group members to a deeper level of intimacy and prayer through weekly prayer and worship meetings and fasting on Wednesday’s.  We strongly believe that through our dedication and faithfulness in these areas that we will continue to see lives saved and a deeper walk with Christ for each of us.  

God is also opening doors with the transvestites we work with.  One of the young men came to cell group a couple of weeks ago and another asked about cell group and is interested in coming.  Lucivan and I were able to take one of them out for pizza this past week to love on him and spend some quality time with him.  Your donations make these things possible.  You are investing in lives through your prayers and donations.  The ground here is fertile and your seed is being planted.  Thank you so much!  

If you would like to know how you can join us to see the precious souls of the Amazon reached for Jesus, please go to our blog: or you can email us at for more information.  Please note 100% of every donation to Project Amazon for our ministry is received.  No administrative costs are deducted.

Special Need/Request:
Lucivan and Claire’s Car Fund
After almost 7 years in Brazil, the time has come to buy a car.  With all of our ministry commitments we really need one to be more effective.  We are looking to buy a 2005 Siena Fiat whose previous owners were missionaries.  The car is in great condition and for a great price ($4,500).  Cars here in Brazil are typically much more expensive than in the U.S. If you feel led to donate towards our car please make a note when you send the donation to PAZ that it is for the car.

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9


Lu & Claire

Friday, May 1, 2015

April 2015

As April has come to a close, I’ve been able to reflect on the ministry during the month.  From cell groups and discipleship to street evangelism, house visits and a river trip, the past month was full.  

One of our strongest ministries is here in the city with cell groups and discipleship.  We are both really excited seeing the Lord working in the lives of our disciples and in the growth of our cell groups.  Lucivan and I both have new disciples that we are meeting with on a weekly basis and helping to grow in their relationship with the Lord.  We are getting ready this week for a big evangelism night in one of the local parks.  Both of our cell groups will be taking snacks to share as we present the Gospel and pray for people.  Please be praying with us for many lives to be changed through this simple act of love.

In mid-April, I had the privilege to go out on the Tapajós River with a team from Canada and a group of Brazilians for five days.  We went to the community of Maripá which is located about 3 1/2 hours from Santarém by boat.  During the trip, we had everything going on from church construction to dental and medical clinics.  Also, evangelistic visits in homes, children’s programs and classes teaching people (mostly women) in the community to paint and sew to make a living.  Everyone had their tasks and we made the most of our time.  On Wednesday night, we had a church service and two women gave their lives to Christ.  It was a blessing to see people we had invited during home visits at the service.  Please pray for the community of Maripá, the local worker, Fatima, and her family.  

In other news, the street evangelism ministry is going well.  We made a couple of house visits in the last month to a group that lives together.  It is definitely a challenge because we are dealing with so many different things from drug and alcohol addiction to prostitution.  So many young people are estranged from their families because of addictions.  We have been able to go to their home and share some Bible verses, talk and pray with them.  Please pray for this ministry that God would continue to touch their hearts with His love.  Also, pray for us that we will persevere in this ministry He has put before us.  One of the young men came to my cell group a couple of weeks ago, which is a huge praise report.  He told me he would go and I had no way to get in touch with him to remind him and he showed up at my house.  Please pray for Victor because the Lord is really working on his heart.  He told me he feels there is a battle inside of him and we know that the Lord is drawing him but that Satan doesn’t want to allow him to be free from the bondage he is in.  

Please keep all of these ministries in your prayers.  Also, if you need prayer for anything, please send us a message and we would love to join with you.              

Thank you again for your prayers and support.  Without them, this ministry would not happen.  If you would like to know how you can join us to see the precious souls of the Amazon reached for Jesus, please go to our blog: or you can email us at for more information.  Please note 100% of every donation to Project Amazon for our ministry is received.  No administrative costs are deducted.

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9


Lu & Claire