Monday, June 21, 2010

Uquena, World Cup and more

A little over a week ago, I returned from a river trip with a team from Journey Fellowship in LA and several others to the community of Uquena, located on the Tapajós River. This village has a population of around 200. We had the job of getting the foundation of the church made and starting the brick work. It was several days of very hard work in the blazing Amazon heat but it was all for Jesus and His kingdom. Since I am not very strong my jobs on the construction site were easier but it was still hard work for me. I helped unload hundreds of bricks from our boat to take to shore, worked with rebar, shoveled a bit, broke bricks in half and made the runs to get the afternoon snacks for the team :). During the construction work, there was also children's programs going on with a fellow missionary, two of our summer interns and a personal guest of a missionary. Two evenings, we were able to hold services in the community. Team members shared testimonies and one evening a team member preached. The second service we held, I was able to translate for the two team members who gave their testimonies. The power went out right at the beginning which was interesting but calmed the nerves of all of us in front :). What used to be a huge fear for me (being in front translating), is slowly becoming familiar and I am enjoying it more. I am happy to see the Lord using me in this aspect. The second service, 3 adults gave their lives to the Lord and during the week around 30 children made decisions as well. It was such a blessing to travel with this team and also to visit this community. The body of Christ is growing and it is so exciting to meet more brothers and sisters from different places and walks of life.

On a different note, at the community we were able to see a couple of monkeys and there was even one monkey who rode around on a dog's back. I didn't believe until I saw it!

Here are some pictures from the trip to Uquena:

The work begins!
Samuel, Angelica and Aline
One of my favorite things!
With the local workers' daughter, Adara
Translating for Kathy
Translating for Malachi
A group shot
Ready for alligator hunting with my kid's life jacket :)
Breaking bricks
This young lady accepted Christ while we were visiting.
Cooling off in the cold stream!
Catching a ride :)
Love it!
The good life!

In other news, it is WORLD CUP time!!! As most of you know, I live in football (soccer) country and oh how exciting it is at a time like this. Brazil has won 5 World Cup titles and is looking for #6! I never was a big fan of soccer growing up but there is something so exciting about watching the Brazil team. I think it is the passion of the Brazilian people. I have my Brazilian flag flying, my green, blue and yellow T-shirts and my noise makers for the games. Here everything shuts down during the games...literally. There is not a car, bus, bike, motorcycle or person on the street during the game. It is a ghost town until Brazil makes a goal and off go the firecrackers and noisemakers. As soon as the game is over everyone is back on the street and with the past two games being wins for Brazil the celebrations go on for hours. I love it! Go Brazil (and USA haha)!!! I pray that the passion that the brazilian people feel for soccer would translate into their spiritual lives and they would have that same excitement and passion for the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ! Amen!

Well, all 3 of our PAZ summer interns have arrived and are staying with me. The next month and a half will be filled with boat trips, work days, ministry and of course fun. Please pray for this time for strength for me physically, emotionally and spiritually. Always on the go can be draining but then so rewarding.

I don't talk about this often but I would like to encourage you to pray about joining in the ministry here in the Amazon by partnering with me on a monthly or quarterly basis. Even if you can only help with a one time gift right now that is a seed being planted. My monthly expenses are a little higher than before because I have my own place now and I really need more support to be able to continue strong here in Brazil. Thank you so much for those who already have or are currently supporting me in prayer and financially. It is a huge blessing and an investment in the lives of the people here.



Friday, June 4, 2010

Trip to Parintins -- conquering fear and growing in ministry!

So my latest missionary adventure was to the island city of Parintins situated on the Amazon River. 3 years ago as a short term missionary with Project AmaZon, I went as part of a team to Parintins and I loved it. I made some great friends in 2007 and was very eager to get back to work and see everyone. This time around, the trip would be slightly different. I would lead my first team by myself and praise the Lord everyone came back in one piece :). Leading the team from ORU was such a privilege and a lot of fun because they are in my age range (at least that is what I tell myself...not ready to admit that I am almost 25!) We arrived in Parintins to 2 brazilian families who have only been in the city themselves for 2 months but they were the perfect example of true servants. I cannot truly express my gratitude for everything they did for us. During our stay, we worked mostly at the church's campgrounds painting the dorms and a new kitchen. The team was also able to minister in 2 Sunday services in the city, one youth service and one service in a smaller city called Vila Amazonia. For the first Sunday service, we had an American missionary translate one of the team member's (Peter) sermon so I only had to get up in front and introduce the team and their skit. Just from this short time in front, I was shaky with nerves. I have never been a fan of talking in front or being the center of attention. Little did I know that God was about to break me out of my shell and help me overcome fear and cause me to grow. The American missionary (Angie) became ill while we were in the city and I was needed to translate 3 services up in front of everyone. Listening in English and translating into Portuguese for the brazilians! I prayed beforehand that God would give me a clear mind to think and also calm my nerves. Praise the Lord I did not get shaky and my mouth didn't get all dry and sticky (ha). There were a couple moments where my mind went blank but overall it went very smoothly. Now I know that I am capable. Sometimes we need that extra push to step up and grow. Once again, I will end this post with pictures of my time. I don't have any of the painting because other people got those and I haven't had a chance to get those pictures yet.

In other news, 2 of the summer interns have arrived, Caroline and Rebecca. They are living with me for two months. Please pray for us and the team heading out to the river community of Uquena. We will be starting a church building and doing children's ministry. We leave Sunday afternoon and return on Thursday evening...stay tuned...

Now for the pictures...

Chico, the monkey out at camp :)

Me with Pastor Samuel and his wife Fatima
The family I stayed with (L-R) Ana Cristina, Ana Rosa, me, Kleber and Ana Beatriz
Kleber opening up a pod that has a kind of nut inside it. This grows in a tree and when it is ready the bottom falls out.
Lunch time at camp!
Translating Maria's testimony at the youth service
Apparently a little nervous here ;)
Service in Vila Amazonia
Leaving the vila on the barge to go back to Parintins
Translating for Peter at the Sunday service
Group of friends!
Very special friends!

