Since my last post I have been on two river trips, participated in our yearly youth/young adult camp during Carnaval and been working with cell group and discipleship ministry among other things. Here is a quick highlight about each one:
- Trip to Orivis: I went back to the community of Orivis with a team from Canada. It was a team of all men and they were ready to do lots of construction. This trip I was the main translator so I translated in the 2 services that were held and also took the team members to make house visits and share the Gospel. It was a wonderful trip and since then, the church building has been completed and inaugurated. Praise the Lord!
- Famintos Por Deus Acamp (Hungry for God Camp): I went as a camper for our 5 day long camp. It was an amazing time in the presence of God. The main theme was being hungry for God and the importance of intimacy with the Lord. Of course, it was a lot of fun too with old friends and making new friends.
- Trip to Estrada D: This trip was with Seacoast Church from SC. I look forward to this team coming every year because they have become like family to me. We headed to the city of Monte Alegre by a speed boat and from there went out by trucks to the community Estrada D. There the project was the roof and floor of the church building. This trip was different because we didn't have our PAZ boat. We stayed at a campgrounds and each day went to the work site. It presented many challenges but God did and is still doing a mighty work in Monte Alegre, Estrada D and other nearby places.
- Cell group and Discipleship: Recently, I had become pretty down with my cell group and the fact that it wasn't growing. Praise the Lord because now we are having visitors and most haven't made decisions for Christ yet or are away from Him. Please be praying for each one to make a strong commitment to walk with Christ. I also am currently discipling 4 young girls. It is a blessing and a big responsibility to be leading these young women in the ways of the Lord.
Tomorrow, I am heading out with a team to the community of Curuá. It is a community of around 17,000 people so it is very large in comparison to the places we typically go. We will be taking 3 boats. The team of 31 come from different places in the US and all over the world. They are mostly health professionals. We will be doing 5 days straight of health clinics. I will be translating for a lady from Denmark who is a registered midwife. Maybe we will be delivering some babies haha. Who knows?! I do know that God has a mighty work planned for this trip. Please be praying and I will be ready to give a report when I arrive home in Santarém.
Some pictures from the last couple of trips...
Church in Orivis |
Making a house visit :) |
It was dead and I was still freaking out haha |
Friends in Orivis |
Estrada D |
Translating |
Local worker's precious little girl |
Children showing off the salvation bracelets :) |
Love it Claire! And love you! Miss you friend!
It was a blessing to serve with you in Curua! Hope to do it again soon :)
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