Monday, March 21, 2011

Exhausting but incredible...

I think I have finally recovered from the two camps I worked at and participated in. The last camp I went to left me with a week long cold and completely wiped out for days but the time I had at both camps was incredible. February 24-27th I had the amazing opportunity to be a counselor for AcampTEEN (adolescents camp). There were over 400 youth that participated. I had a cabin of 9 amazing girls and my assistant counselor. God really blessed me with a great group of girls that didn't cause any problems and were very obedient! I was able to build some relationships with some very precious young girls and able to invest in their spiritual growth. Ministry time was amazing and I loved being able to just hug the girls and let them cry on my shoulder and pray with them. The presence of God was very real during the camp. One young girl gave her life to Jesus and I was with her to hug her and pray with her for over an hour as she sobbed. I felt like working at the camp showed me that my heart is truly for the youth. They are such a key part for the future of the church and the advancement of the Gospel in the world.

The following week, March 5th-9th I was able to participate in the Jovens camp. The camp was maxed out with over 500 participants. This time, I was able to relax and just soak in everything that God had to teach me and to do in my life. I was with my friends and made new friends as well. The theme of the camp was "Intimacy with God" and I can truly say that the presence of God was extremely present during this camp as well. God ministered to my heart so much in the 5 days that I was at the camp. It blessed me so much to see Him working in the lives of so many youth and young adults. God truly is doing something supernatural in the Amazon Basin. The youth here are hungry for God and to live in holiness and purity before Him. This is something so rare in the lives of so many Christians anymore and it is a tragedy.

Another post will be coming soon...stay tuned...

Prayer requests:
- Driving lessons...I am learning how to drive a standard car. Please pray for safety and that I would learn how to drive well.
- Car...I am believing for the Lord to provide a car for me within the next couple of months. Public transportation is getting more dangerous and also expensive as many days I have to go to several different places.
- Finances...Believing for the Lord to continue to increase my monthly support.
- Health...For the Lord to keep me healthy and free from all sickness.

Enjoy a few pictures from the AcampTEEN and Acamp2011:

First night with some of my campers
Adolescents praising the Lord!
Gleice, Iza and I
Cabin 1!!!
Jovens camp
With one of my best friends Hanna on the last night of camp
Karol and Manu from my cabin

1 comment:

Tom and Nancy Helring said...

Daddy and i just read your update and are excited to see all the Lord is doing in the lives of the young people and how you are so much a part of it. We love you and miss you.