A guy from Brazil and a gal from the US with one purpose: serve God through missions. Lucivan and Claire are missionaries with Project AmaZon in the city of Santarém, in the heart of the Amazon Basin in Brazil.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Orivis and a Landmark Event in Santarém
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Livin' the Vision!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Cell group, River Trip and MDA Conference
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Bearing Fruit...
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
A little bit of everything...
Me with the 3 summer interns at the Congresso
Mode of transportation in a Vila close to Parintins...poor guy =)
During the month of July, the jovens (youth/young adult) ministry has something called a gincana. It is a type of “Olympics” with 3 different teams. There are different challenges each week and the teams earn points. I was super involved this year with leadership on my team the ‘Brows’ (pronounced bro haha). Some of the challenges were the team who got the most people to donate blood (I did for the 1st time), who could fit the most people into a VW bug, team with the most youtube accesses for an evangelistic video, team with the best decorations, cheer, song, etc… You get the idea. It was a month of a lot of fun and I even got our interns (Amy and Lindsay) involved. Well, the most exciting is that my team won this year. The purpose of the gincana is to win lost young people for Christ and also to make friendships. It truly was a special time. We even had to do a cultural dance at the Jovens Northeastern Night. Pictures below…
With our trophy!
After many practices finally presenting our dance...
The group
August and September have been time for me to get really focused on cell group ministry and discipleship. August included 2 milestones for me, which were my 26th birthday and my 3 year anniversary in Brazil. The Lord has blessed with such a great group of friends here. They threw a beautiful and unforgettable birthday party for me at a local hotel. I definitely felt God’s favor! Pictures below…
My 26th bday party with some friends
Sabrina, me and Lidiane
In the past few weeks, I was asked to take over the administration of a ministry school (4 years) the PAZ churches are going to be offering in all of their churches eventually. I will be administrating this school in the river communities and smaller cities around Santarem. I will be going to our monthly missions meeting at the beginning of each month and will be required to get the new materials printed up and distributed to the local workers; as well as, take care of the financial side of the project. I am really excited to be working with this project as it will get me closer to the precious workers we have.
Prayer Requests:
- Financial Support
- English lessons – I have been presented with many opportunities to teach English here at my home. Praying for discernment to know what to say yes to and what to say no to.
- Administration of my time
- 26 years of life
- 3 years of service here in Brazil
- Each of you who are faithful in prayer and/or financial support
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Monday, July 11, 2011
Summer days...
- Community where 90% of the population are evangelical Christians.
- My main role was as a translator and team support. I took the team members to visit different homes and also the local school where we helped with English.
- Held a couple of services and a prayer vigil.
- Boat ride was 21 hours from Santarém.
- I lead the team from Oral Roberts University to the city of Parintins.
- We presented programs for elementary school children in 2 schools.
- The ORU team ministered in several of the services and I translated.
- We got to do a service in a nearby village called Vila Amazonia.
- An area where the work was abandoned for almost 12 years.
- Very few evangelical Christians in this community.
- My focus on this trip was evangelism and Children's ministry.
- One of the home's we visited, was a man who was a Christian about 6 years ago but has been backslidden and is known in the community for being very violent with his wife when he drinks, etc... I went to his house to speak to him and his family along with 2 people from the Journey Fellowship team and the local worker's wife. We talked for a long time about how God is waiting for him to come back with open arms just like in the story of the Prodigal Son. He started to cry and said he would be at the service that night with his family. I was so excited that night when I saw him, his wife and their 3 sons at the service and I was even more excited when the next day he came out to help with the construction of the church. God was definitely moving in his life.
- 3 trips that were a blessing
- 3 great summer interns
- God's supernatural strength to help me with translation, evangelism, etc...
- Increased financial support. This is an area that I am really needing prayer and God to work. Please pray with me and consider becoming a financial partner as well.
- Next 3 weeks of travel and time with the interns.