On March 23rd, I set out on a trip with a team from Seacoast Church in South Carolina. We headed to the community Correio do Tapará on the Amazon River to work on the walls of their wooden church building. The local PAZ workers, Orivaldo and Vanda greeted us upon our arrival and soon after the work, physical and spiritual began. The community of Correio do Tapará is spread out and hás two clusters of homes. One cluster on one end and the other on the other end. The decision was made to build the church in the middle to be about the same distance for everyone. This caused some issues among several church members who wanted the church closer to their home. Please pray that this will not be a problem and that unity will be restored among the body of believers. We did not have a service our first night. On the second night, we held a service at the home of a local church member. I worked with the children along with Amie and Germaine of the Seacoast team. I helped translate as needed and we had a lot of fun playing games, face painting and sharing the Gospel message using a bracelet with different colored beads. On the third night, we traveled a little ways down river to the community Barreiras (meaning barriers). I only realized later the significance of this name. At the time of our visit, there were no Christians in the community. Talk about some barriers!? We went in with faith believing that would change. I worked with the children again and this time was able to share more candidly because of a smaller group. They listened attentively as I presented the Gospel. Three young girls (Adria, Mayra and Sílvia Helena) gave their lives to Jesus that night.
I was so happy to have played a small part in such an important moment in their lives. I found out the next day that one of the girls is the daughter of the president of the community of Barreiras and she gave her life to the Lord the day after the service. God is awesome! Our last night, we were able to have our service in the new church building! We did a program with the children in the afternoon to allow for everyone to participate in the evening service. Once again, we had a wonderful time playing and learning about our sins and the forgiveness of Jesus.

On the last morning, I was able to go evangelizing with fellow missionary, Betty and two of the Seacoast team members. We visited the home of an elderly couple with many health problems who had not made commitments to the Lord yet. Praise the Lord, after Betty’s presentation of the Gospel both accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. During the trip, 6 adults and 3 children came to know the Lord! What a blessing! This trip was incredible. I hope to return when the church building is inaugurated in September to see my friends.
I am also so thankful for the wonderful team from Seacoast Church. I made great new friends and look forward to seeing them again either in Brazil or stateside. I am truly blessed to be a part of the work God is doing in the Amazon Basin of Brazil. Those of you who support me in prayer or financially also are a part of this work. Please consider joining with me on a regular basis in prayer and financial support. These are very important for me to continue the Lord’s work here in Brazil.

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