Within 27 days, I went on 3 different trips in May and June. It was absolutely exhausting and wonderful all at the same time. Here are some highlights of each trip:
Vista Alegre on the Maró River -
- Community where 90% of the population are evangelical Christians.
- My main role was as a translator and team support. I took the team members to visit different homes and also the local school where we helped with English.
- Held a couple of services and a prayer vigil.
- Boat ride was 21 hours from Santarém.
Parintins -
- I lead the team from Oral Roberts University to the city of Parintins.
- We presented programs for elementary school children in 2 schools.
- The ORU team ministered in several of the services and I translated.
- We got to do a service in a nearby village called Vila Amazonia.
* In between Parintins and the next trip to Tucumatuba, we had our annual March for Jesus in Santarém. I was given the responsibility to look after the 2 teams that were in town during the March. Unfortunately, early on in the March, as everyone was walking along happy and singing, we all stopped to pray for specific needs in the city. The street we stopped on has huge mango trees in the median that give shade to the whole street. I turned to say something to a friend and as I did, I was pooped all over by a giant iguana up in the tree. Needless to say, I screamed and quickly got on a mototaxi to go shower off and get back to the March. Looking back it was hilarious...not so much at that particular moment :).
Tucumatuba on the Amazon River -
- An area where the work was abandoned for almost 12 years.
- Very few evangelical Christians in this community.
- My focus on this trip was evangelism and Children's ministry.
- One of the home's we visited, was a man who was a Christian about 6 years ago but has been backslidden and is known in the community for being very violent with his wife when he drinks, etc... I went to his house to speak to him and his family along with 2 people from the Journey Fellowship team and the local worker's wife. We talked for a long time about how God is waiting for him to come back with open arms just like in the story of the Prodigal Son. He started to cry and said he would be at the service that night with his family. I was so excited that night when I saw him, his wife and their 3 sons at the service and I was even more excited when the next day he came out to help with the construction of the church. God was definitely moving in his life.
Since these trips, our 3 summer interns have been here. We have worked at an Encounter weekend, gone kayaking, participated in cell groups and church meetings, walked through the jungle in the pouring down rain, they went on a water filters trip, we participated in the 3 night Congresso (evangelistic crusade we have every year), studied Portuguese, etc... Now we are running to the last 3 weeks of their time here which will include one trip for me and 2 for them.
- 3 trips that were a blessing
- 3 great summer interns
- God's supernatural strength to help me with translation, evangelism, etc...
Prayer Requests:
- Increased financial support. This is an area that I am really needing prayer and God to work. Please pray with me and consider becoming a financial partner as well.
- Next 3 weeks of travel and time with the interns.
Link to pictures from ministry trips in May and June --> PICTURES