Today a team from Seacoast Church in South Carolina arrived to spend about 9 days here with us at PAZ. I am very excited to be a part of the group of missionaries that will go out on the river with them. The trip is Tuesday morning - Saturday afternoon. We are going to a community on the Amazon River called Correio do Tapará. The main project will be to help with the construction of their church, a wooden building. We will also, hopefully, be ministering to children and making house visits to share the Gospel. Some of the prayer requests for this community are: salvation, unity in Christ and freedom from idolatry. Please lift these up; as well as, protection over all of us in everything we do and that God would use each one of us for His glory!
In other news, after looking for a little over 2 months, I finally was blessed by the Lord to find a place to call "home". The location is great, as it is just a couple blocks from the rest of the missionary housing. God really blessed me with this place. I am looking forward to expanding my ministry by having a place to minister to girls, have a cell group, prayer meetings and fellowship.
Well, that is all for now but be checking back after the trip for pictures and testimonies of the Lord's work in Correio do Tapara!