Wow! An update is long overdue. Has it really only been 5 weeks since I got here? It seems like I have been here for so long already but yet at times I feel like I was in the US just yesterday. Time is a funny thing. Lots has been going on with here in the Amazon Basin of Brazil from getting adjusted to moving and getting adjusted again to weekend “Encounters” with God and learning what my role will be at the mission and building relationships with the Brazilians.
First, God is so good and faithful and He continually reminds me of that in His response to the big details of life to the very small details. My first month here in Brazil I was blessed with the opportunity to live in the home of a missionary family as they were traveling in the US. I was living with a Brazilian named Dolores who lived for 12 years in the US. After my first month, I was blessed again to be able to live in the home of another missionary family (which happens to be next door to the other home) until possibly mid-March or later. Both of these families are huge blessings to me as I am able to save on some of my expenses in the coming months (although I still desperately am in need of your one-time gifts and monthly commitments). The first month I was here I kept think about when I would be moving into the other house and how I would be living alone. I like to be alone at times but I was really hoping to find someone who could live with me. God put Dolores in my heart. I knew she was looking for a place to stay as her parent’s home does not have space for her so I asked her what she thought. She loved the idea. I can tell you how good God is because her and I get along so well. We are able to talk to each other about different things going on in our lives and to encourage each other in the Lord. So a week ago today we moved into our “new” place for an indefinite period of time :).
Many of you have asked me what I am/will be doing down here and the truth is, a lot of different things. It looks like a role I will be stepping into is one of administration which is good cause that is what my degree is in. I will be helping PAZ with various proposals for buildings, projects, etc. and also writing reports/testimonies on the progress of those particular projects to the donors. There is also a possibility that I will trained on the accounting process here at the mission so that I am able to step in as needed. I think it is great how the Lord has called me as a missionary and I am still able to use my degree. I mentioned some of the other areas I will be working in in the last update so check it out. Please be in prayer for me as there are many needs and ways to get involved. I want to do exactly what the Lord would have me to do.
O Encontro foi TREMENDO!!! “The Encounter was tremendous!!!” Last weekend I went as a participant in the Encontro. It is similar to DeColores and other weekend retreats many of you have participated in in the US. Anyways, it was a little less than 3 days of “one-on-one” with God time. We were not worried about the people around us but rather focused on HIM. It was a wonderful time of refreshing for me. It was so awesome to see one lady accept Jesus into her life and see many water baptized out in the Tapajos River (tributary to the Amazon). The weekend was great and you should have seen the celebration when we arrived back at the church on Sunday night. We all went in together jumping, singing and giving praise to the only One who has the power to save, set free and transform lives! I wish I had pictures to show but as participants, we couldn’t take pictures. Next time, I will be working the retreat and will definitely get some pictures.
Random Fact/Story:
Monday afternoon I was sitting in the living room/dining room of the new place I am living and I had the door open to get a breeze in the room. There is an outside door that is made of iron or something and most houses it has screen in it to keep bugs and things out but this house doesn’t have it. Anyways, I was sitting there when all of a sudden a bird flew in the house. I freaked out for a minute and then went to shut all the doors in the house to keep the bird in one area. The only problem is that the office doesn’t have a door. Well, the bird kept flying back and forth in the house and I had no idea how to get him out cause he was up high and I didn’t want to hurt him in anyway. He went back in the office so I had to direct him back to the front of the house and hopefully out the door. It was quite the site. I honestly wish someone would have been videotaping me. I was screaming and laughing at the same time. Thankfully, the cute little bird finally found his way back out the door. I am sure this is one of many funny stories I will have in the future :).
Thank you all so much for your prayers, encouragement and support. It is so nice to have a wonderful team of people supporting me and cheering me. Also, I would like to ask for special prayer for fellow missionaries Nate and Ruth Reutter. They lost their baby a little over a week ago. Both of their parents are missionaries down here as well. It has been a difficult week but God has been and continues to be so faithful in this situation. If you would like to read their story please go to
Love to you all!