Lucivan & Claire's Life Adventures
A guy from Brazil and a gal from the US with one purpose: serve God through missions. Lucivan and Claire are missionaries with Project AmaZon in the city of Santarém, in the heart of the Amazon Basin in Brazil.
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Sunday, May 31, 2015
May Newsletter
May has been a month of extreme growth. God has surprised us in so many ways in our cell group and discipleship ministry. After we returned from our trip to the U.S. we decided to dedicate much more time and prayer to these ministries. Our cell groups were in a difficult place with very few people and no growth happening. During March and April, we started to see some growth and in May an explosion of growth.
Lucivan and I both had three disciples each about a month ago. In the last several weeks that number has grown to eight each. God has been opening up doors and putting people in our lives like never before. We are so excited for this new time. There are discipleships that happen early in the morning over breakfast, others during lunch break and others late at night after people are off work and out of class. Some of our disciples have been in the church for a while, others were away from the Lord and have come back and one young man just accepted Jesus. Please pray that the Lord will give us the wisdom and capacity to take care of each of these precious young people He has put in our hands.
Most of you know that we have two cell groups. One on Wednesday night and one on Saturday evening. Both groups a little over a month ago had anywhere from 3-7 people each week. Now the Wednesday night cell group has between 15-17 each week and is steadily growing. The Saturday evening group is still small but has seen some growth as well with around 10 people when all members are present. We are so blessed with all the Lord has done and is still going to do. There is a great excitement in our groups and with our disciples to win souls and disciple!
At the beginning of the month we got our cell groups together for evangelism in a local park. It went really well and we were able to pray with many people and even get some phone numbers to invite them to cell group. We also are encouraging our disciples and cell group members to a deeper level of intimacy and prayer through weekly prayer and worship meetings and fasting on Wednesday’s. We strongly believe that through our dedication and faithfulness in these areas that we will continue to see lives saved and a deeper walk with Christ for each of us.
God is also opening doors with the transvestites we work with. One of the young men came to cell group a couple of weeks ago and another asked about cell group and is interested in coming. Lucivan and I were able to take one of them out for pizza this past week to love on him and spend some quality time with him. Your donations make these things possible. You are investing in lives through your prayers and donations. The ground here is fertile and your seed is being planted. Thank you so much!
If you would like to know how you can join us to see the precious souls of the Amazon reached for Jesus, please go to our blog: or you can email us at for more information. Please note 100% of every donation to Project Amazon for our ministry is received. No administrative costs are deducted.
Special Need/Request:
Lucivan and Claire’s Car Fund
After almost 7 years in Brazil, the time has come to buy a car. With all of our ministry commitments we really need one to be more effective. We are looking to buy a 2005 Siena Fiat whose previous owners were missionaries. The car is in great condition and for a great price ($4,500). Cars here in Brazil are typically much more expensive than in the U.S. If you feel led to donate towards our car please make a note when you send the donation to PAZ that it is for the car.
“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9
Lu & Claire
Friday, May 1, 2015
April 2015
As April has come to a close, I’ve been able to reflect on the ministry during the month. From cell groups and discipleship to street evangelism, house visits and a river trip, the past month was full.
One of our strongest ministries is here in the city with cell groups and discipleship. We are both really excited seeing the Lord working in the lives of our disciples and in the growth of our cell groups. Lucivan and I both have new disciples that we are meeting with on a weekly basis and helping to grow in their relationship with the Lord. We are getting ready this week for a big evangelism night in one of the local parks. Both of our cell groups will be taking snacks to share as we present the Gospel and pray for people. Please be praying with us for many lives to be changed through this simple act of love.
In mid-April, I had the privilege to go out on the Tapajós River with a team from Canada and a group of Brazilians for five days. We went to the community of Maripá which is located about 3 1/2 hours from Santarém by boat. During the trip, we had everything going on from church construction to dental and medical clinics. Also, evangelistic visits in homes, children’s programs and classes teaching people (mostly women) in the community to paint and sew to make a living. Everyone had their tasks and we made the most of our time. On Wednesday night, we had a church service and two women gave their lives to Christ. It was a blessing to see people we had invited during home visits at the service. Please pray for the community of Maripá, the local worker, Fatima, and her family.
In other news, the street evangelism ministry is going well. We made a couple of house visits in the last month to a group that lives together. It is definitely a challenge because we are dealing with so many different things from drug and alcohol addiction to prostitution. So many young people are estranged from their families because of addictions. We have been able to go to their home and share some Bible verses, talk and pray with them. Please pray for this ministry that God would continue to touch their hearts with His love. Also, pray for us that we will persevere in this ministry He has put before us. One of the young men came to my cell group a couple of weeks ago, which is a huge praise report. He told me he would go and I had no way to get in touch with him to remind him and he showed up at my house. Please pray for Victor because the Lord is really working on his heart. He told me he feels there is a battle inside of him and we know that the Lord is drawing him but that Satan doesn’t want to allow him to be free from the bondage he is in.
Please keep all of these ministries in your prayers. Also, if you need prayer for anything, please send us a message and we would love to join with you.
Thank you again for your prayers and support. Without them, this ministry would not happen. If you would like to know how you can join us to see the precious souls of the Amazon reached for Jesus, please go to our blog: or you can email us at for more information. Please note 100% of every donation to Project Amazon for our ministry is received. No administrative costs are deducted.
“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9
Lu & Claire
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Ministry for 2015
It’s hard to believe we are already halfway through March! Time seems to be flying by but 2015 is still full of many ministry opportunities. From mid-December through the beginning of March we were blessed to be able to spend time in the US. We had such an incredible time with family, friends and supporters. It is always important to reconnect face to face with people who invest so much time praying for us and supporting the ministry here in Brazil. A huge thank you to everyone we had special moments with, even if they were short. We wish we could have seen everyone (maybe on our next furlough). The Lord also blessed us with the chance to share about Project Amazon and the work here in several churches, Sunday School classes and a youth meeting. We have been back in Brazil for two weeks and are finally adjusted to life here again.
Being back in Brazil, we have returned to our ministry of discipleships and cell groups. Our first week of cell groups was awesome. We really feel the Lord has put in our hearts to go after and love on people that have stepped away from Him. We know by being persistent in our prayers and love for people that we will see them back in a committed relationship with the Lord.
Wednesday Night Cell Group |
Our Friday night evangelism group continued strong while we were away with a team from YWAM (Youth With a Mission) joining in. For those that don’t know, our street ministry is mainly to transvestites (young men dressed as women and prostitute themselves) and drug addicts. I’m really encouraged and excited because while we were gone, the team was able to do several house visits to the young men we minister to and even have one over for lunch. We plan to continue with these visits and inviting them to our homes, etc. It is much more effective when we can see them and talk in a place that is more reserved.
From April until July we have 5 teams scheduled to come from North America to help in our river communities. I will be working with at least 3 of them, if not all of them. I’m really excited about getting back on the river and being involved with these teams as we minister together to the Brazilian “river” people. Mid-July, we will be receiving a team from Enon Baptist Church of Chester, VA and we are so blessed for this opportunity. This is the first team with myself as the missionary contact. I’m very excited to start planning for their arrival.
Please be praying for the work here in Brazil and for Brazil as a country. Some of you may not know that there have been protests recently against the government and corruption. Everything so far has been peaceful but Brazil is in need of a change. We believe that change is Jesus Christ.
Thank you again for your prayers and support. Without them, this ministry would not happen. If you would like to know how you can join me to see the precious souls of in the Amazon reached for Jesus, please go to our blog: or you can email us at for more information. Please note 100% of every donation to Project Amazon for my ministry is received. No administrative costs are deducted.
“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9
Thursday, September 18, 2014
São Judas on the Purus River
Imagine, you're on a boat and it's tied up to a house and that house is on stilts over a river. There is no dry land in sight. The only thing close to land are big, grassy masses that float down the river randomly. It's the end of rainy season in the Amazon and the water has started to go down but the community is still flooded for now. In a couple of months there will be dry land to walk around but right now all transportation is in canoes and speed boats. Let's just say that when I got back to dry land, I was rocking like on a boat for several days after the trip.
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Me with our fearless boat captain and pastor, Geraldo |
The large building is the church and to the left is the house where our boat was docked all week! |
In August, I was blessed to be a part of a trip out to the community São Judas on the Purus River. A wonderful team from Journey Fellowship in Louisiana (with a few others joining them) came down to help with the church construction, make home visits, share testimonies and over all bless the community of São Judas and even some other communities close by. São Judas has between 50-60 families and most families have at least 4-6 kids, so it is a fairly large community. A couple of years ago, PAZ's work in this community started with a visit from a health team. Many people were saved at the first church service. On this trip, we were able to see the fruit of that first trip. Many more people accepted Jesus since then. Now São Judas has a good and growing group of believers. During the 6 days we were there, I was able to do many evangelistic home visits with some of our American guests and our Brazilian team. The Journey team brought so many wonderful things to bless the community with and we were able to use them as an open door into many homes. In one particular home, a young man rededicated his life to the Lord and his wife gave her heart to Jesus. We rejoice with them knowing there isn't a better decision one can make in this life. We also were given the opportunity to go to the local school and have some time with the children singing songs, talking about taking care of our teeth with the mission's dentist and a time of talking about Jesus and His love and plans for their lives. On Wednesday night, we were able to have a church service and many people we invited during the home visits came to hear a wonderful message about the love of God!
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This is how we to do some house visits :) |
On most river trips, my favorite part are the children. They are so adorable and loving. One little boy in particular fell in love with me and I fell in love with him. His name is Thalles and he is 3 years old. When we were about to leave to come back home, he wouldn't let go of me. He cried and grabbed on to me even harder. It broke my heart to see him like that but I told him I will go back to visit him sometime.
At the local school with the kids! |
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Thalles and me. He didn't want to say good-bye! |
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No complaints here :) |
Ana Lu and her mom |
Here are some specific prayer requests for us and our ministry:
- Street Evangelism ministry, chains of addiction to be broken over the lives of these people. Sometimes it feels like we are making progress and then it feels like we are back at square one again. Pray for us to persevere in prayer and in ministry in the lives of these people.
- Cell group and discipleship ministry. Perseverance in taking care of the people God has placed in our hands even when it seems difficult.
- Lucivan's tourist visa. We are going to São Paulo in November for two wedding and to try for Lucivan's visa again. Please be praying this through. We really want to be able to visit my family and friends and supporters soon!
- River trip next week. I will be heading out for 5 days next week with a team from Canada. Pray for God's hand to be over us and with us as we go and minister to the people of São Pedro.
- Finances. We are relying on God here. Your support is essential to the ministry here. If you feel led to join our ministry team please go to Project Amazon's website and click on *Paz Missionary and specify your donation for Claire Helring.
We love and appreciate all of you!!!
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Rewind to April
Things have been quite busy as of late but I wanted to touch base with everyone before I head out for a ministry trip today to the city of Parintins, an island city on the Amazon River.
Encountering Jesus...
The first weekend in April, my new disciple, Aline (17 years old), attended a weekend retreat called the Encounter. The PAZ church has them almost every weekend and people come back with their lives radically transformed by personal "ENCOUNTERS" with Jesus. I asked Aline to give a short testimony of what the retreat meant to her.
She said, "The Encounter was TREMENDOUS! When I got to camp, I can't deny, I was so tired. I was not just physically but spiritually as well. God restored me. He took away the weight I was feeling. It was so amazing what God did in that place. The anointing of God was being poured out over us. There is nothing more gratifying than feeling closer to God. It was something unforgettable!" People who attend the retreat weekend, come back at the conclusion of the 7pm Sunday night service. When Aline saw me, she hugged me so tight and thanked me for encouraging and helping her to go the Encounter. She said it was one of the best moments of her life. Please continue to lift her up and her walk with the Lord, that she will continue strong and steady in His ways.
God so loved the world...
Every Friday night, my ministry team continues to go out to the streets for evangelism to the transvestites, drug users and anyone passing by. We are building relationships at this point but are believing for a harvest very soon. One strategy we are using is taking snacks or soup out to serve to the people that walk by. Most are surprised that it is free and want to know why and there is our open door to talk about Jesus :).
Jungle Life...
In April, during the Easter holiday, my husband, Lucivan and I were able to go out and visit some of his family in a jungle community. It was about a 4 hour trip beginning with the ride on the ferry and then as passengers on an hour long motorcycle ride on dirt roads holding our luggage ha. We had a wonderful time and it was nice to be "away from it all" out in the middle of the jungle.
College Ministry Team...
Today early afternoon, I set out on a 10 day journey with 10 college students from Oral Roberts University (ORU) to the city of Parintins. We will travel by line boat for about 16-17 hours on the Amazon River. Line boats are large ferry boats that serve as the main, and sometimes the only, method of transportation on the rivers in the Amazon.
Our 10 days will include a little bit of everything. The team will be serving in construction on a nearby village church, children's ministry, evangelism and by ministering in church services in the city. I am privileged to lead the team and all that will entail in a foreign country. Another large part of my duties is serving as the translator on this trip. Please keep us all in prayer for health and the Lord's protection over each one. We believe that much will be accomplished for the Kingdom in Parintins.
One Year...
The team and I will be back just in time for me to celebrate my first wedding anniversary with Lu on May 25th. Please keep him in prayer as well while I am traveling that the Lord will bless and protect him.
Thank you for the prayers and support. It means so much to us and the work here in the Amazon! Because of your support, we are able to help people like Aline go to the Encounter, able to further expand the street evangelism ministry and bless so many others. If you are interested in joining our support team click here --> Donate! God Bless and if we can be praying for you about anything, please comment here on the blog or send an email! If you or your group would be interested in information about visiting Project AmaZon, I would love to give you any details.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
They will know we are Christians by our LOVE...
In February, a team from YWAM (Youth With A Mission) came to Santarem for their final two weeks of ministry. They contacted me to work with them as their translator. We did several different types of ministry including church services, visits to drug rehab homes and street evangelism. When I first sat down with the team leaders, they mentioned their desire to work with prostitutes in the middle of the night. I couldn't think of anywhere we would find female prostitutes but I knew of a strategic place in the city where transvestites go on a nightly basis to work in prostitution. I have a friend from church who is an ex-transvestite and I took him to meet the team to give his testimony and any ideas about how we should proceed with this ministry idea. We went 5 different times between 11pm and 3am. The whole purpose was to get to know them, their stories and win their trust by seeing that we cared for them. Almost all were very open to talking with us. Some things we found out were that many of them come from a church background but at some point stepped away from The Lord, many are deeply involved in drugs, most were abused as children and all are not truly happy and would like to get out of this lifestyle. Each time we went with the only intention of showing them that they are important and that we love them and most importantly that Jesus loves them. The team decided to have a little party for them before the end of their time in Santarem. Six of the young men went and we had a dinner for them, a birthday cake for one who was about to have a birthday and a time of presenting the Gospel and a salvation message. Most listened closely and it was noticeable that they were being touched. The guy that was next to me started crying and when asked if we could pray for them almost unanimously they said 'yes'. Only one didn't want prayer but at the end of the party asked for us to take him home (he didn't even want to go back to the streets to "work"). While we were in the car he opened up completely and we prayed with him before he got out of the car. The team also presented them with Bibles that they had signed. They were so excited to get their Bibles. All I know, is that the young men that were embarrassed, nervous and wanting to leave in the beginning, at the end didn't even want to leave. God is doing a work! This is a ministry that I never imagined being a part of. My friend Pablo (ex-transvestite), missionary couple Josue and Amanda and myself are now taking the reigns of this ministry that began while the YWAM team was here. Since the team left, we have kept in touch with a few of the young guys and have planned weekly prayer and fasting for this ministry that God is birthing and also weekly visits to the street where they 'work'. I have become close to a couple and I can see how needy they are for affection because of not having relationships with their parents. I have 'adopted' them as my sons. One even calls me 'mamys'. Most aren't even 20 yet. They have been rejected by society and even the church, so now is the time to show them the true love and freedom that comes only through Jesus Christ. Please be praying for this ministry and for all of us involved. Satan is not happy and will be ready to attack and get us down. The last thing he wants to see is these young men free from the chains of sin and death. All of them expressed to us their desire to stop prostituting themselves and using drugs. They said they have tried many times to stop but something always pulls them back to that place. As Christians, we know that it is Satan that has a hold over them. They are slaves to him. But we also know that through Christ, ALL things are possible. So pray, pray, pray. This is only the beginning of great things that God is going to do in Santarem and in the lives of these young men!
Below are some pictures of the time with the YWAM team and the ministry we did while they were here:
Thank you for your constant prayers and support. We will need them now more than ever as Satan is going to want to come against us in this new ministry. Please stand with us for these young men. Tomorrow night I will be going out to the streets to visit them again. Pray for our safety as well.
Pray about joining with us financially and sow into the ministry here in the Amazon. Follow this link to see the different ways you can join with us: Donate
God Bless and stay tuned for the next update in a couple of weeks!
Below are some pictures of the time with the YWAM team and the ministry we did while they were here:
Translating at a center for homeless people, addicts, prostitutes, etc. Each day Monday through Friday they have a service and then have lunch available for free.
Praying for a young guy at a drug rehab home. It is an 8 month program run by a Christian man. They have up to 15 students at any one time.
The team with the men from the drug rehab home. We made many friends. Great testimonies are coming out of this place!
One evening out in the streets. To my right is a young man who calls himself Jade. Please pray for him. He has made a decision for the Lord in the past.
With the team for one of the leader's birthday's. After the party we went out to the streets to talk to the guys. The one in the blue and white striped dress is Ewerton (calls himself Monique). Another one in the picture that you can't really see is Sandalo. He is addicted to drugs. He comes from a Christian family. Please pray for them!
This is Ewerton (the one in the blue dress in the previous picture). He went to the party dressed as a boy. He is one that I have 'adopted' as my son and he calls me 'mamys'. He never had a relationship with his mother.
Me with Jade and Geovan at the party we had for them.
Prayer time at our party. Break the chains Jesus! Believing for salvation!
God doing a work in each of their lives. Seeds have been planted!
Thank you for your constant prayers and support. We will need them now more than ever as Satan is going to want to come against us in this new ministry. Please stand with us for these young men. Tomorrow night I will be going out to the streets to visit them again. Pray for our safety as well.
Pray about joining with us financially and sow into the ministry here in the Amazon. Follow this link to see the different ways you can join with us: Donate
God Bless and stay tuned for the next update in a couple of weeks!
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